Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog 14: Short Analysis Project

The research question that I have come up with is why do some people find the shaggy dog stories to be funny and others do not? I would like to find out the different reactions from people who read them and why they react the way they do.

The codes used that are relevant to the question are background, education, age, and sex (male/female). Patterns show that less people find the shaggy dog stories to be funny than most. Shaggy dog stories cannot be possibly humorous to everyone.

My hypothesis explains the data by using the examples of peoples' reactions to the stories. It uses references: for example, observation. I observed the classes reactions to the stories and the majority agreed that the story about the panda and Friday, were the funniest. This is probably because more of the students connected with these two stories more than the others. A person's background and age seems to mostly affect a person's reason for why they would find the shaggy dog stories to be funny or not.

My overall theory is that a person would have to connect with the story and have an understanding of the joke. It seems that the majority of people do not agree that the stories are funny. It explains that everyone has a different point of view and we come from diverse backgrounds.

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